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The Definitive Guide to Safeguarding Your Car Purchase" – uncover the startling reality of hidden defects in new cars and the need to move beyond traditional Car PDI Checklists & Amateur DIY Inspection Techniques

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The Deceptive Allure of New Cars - Move beyond New Car PDI Checklists where perception is different from reality!

KD | 7/19/2023 | Read time 6 mins

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The automotive industry is a dynamic world of constant innovation, bringing us cars with mind-blowing technology, enhanced performance, and an exhilarating driving experience. However, as cars become more advanced, it is crucial for car buyers to change the way they evaluate the integrity of their cars before taking delivery of the same. Traditional PDI Checklists and amateur DIY car inspection techniques simply won't do justice anymore when it comes to uncovering the reality of defective “new” cars!

When we think of something being "new" we tend to associate it with perfection and flawlessness. Sadly, this perception often falls short of reality, particularly in the automobile industry. Despite manufacturers' best efforts, achieving a flawless production process for every vehicle is an elusive goal. Astonishingly, out of the 3 million plus new cars that gets sold in India each year, a staggering 16% suffer from severe manufacturing defects. And when you factor in issues arising from dealer mishandling, 3rd party logistics-related problems, and soft recalls, that number skyrockets to well past 50%! This emphasizes the fact that a substantial number of new cars with hidden issues that creates significant risks for the driver & passengers that use such cars.

Let’s dwell further.

As automotive technology rapidly advances, modern cars are becoming increasingly reliant on sophisticated software systems that drive complex sensors such as Airbag Sensors, Seatbelt, ADAS, Braking & ECU functioning to name a few. Traditional PDI Checklists-based approach only scratches the surface, focusing on epidermal things like paint quality and minor scratches with basic functional tests, while completely overlooking the intricate internal components and software systems that define the driving experience of these modern cars.

In addition to the complexity of software-driven cars, another crucial aspect to consider is the capability of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in software development. OEMs are great at designing cars, assembling complex mechanical components but highly dependent on hundreds of software vendors and combining different software applications into a single platform; integrating them with hardware still seems tall order. OEMs are under constant pressure to cut costs which impacts the level of investment in software development capabilities. Royalties paid by OEMs in India are one of the highest globally all adding up to increasing car costs. More so, the Indian auto component industry is predominantly build-to-print, meaning there is very little/ no software development capability due to the nascent industry maturity. All this combined, limits OEMs' software development capabilities further adds to the high faults in new cars.

Car dealers and workshops, while essential players in the industry, carry inherent biases that can impact the car inspection process. The dealer’s primary objective is to sell cars (that’s how they make money!), which clouds their judgment when identifying potential defects. Workshops on the other hand, make money by selling parts. Clearly it is of no interest for them to tell a car buyer that the cars are faulty!

It is important to highlight another concerning trend in the automotive industry. Automakers and dealers have been keeping prices high and inventory low for an extended period of time. While this strategy benefits their bottom line, it creates a new problem for car buyers. Dealer test cars across different variants, which were once readily available for potential buyers to test drive, have become scarce.

This scarcity has given rise to a disturbing trend; meter rollbacks in new cars. Some unscrupulous individuals, in an attempt to make these limited test cars appear new and low-mileage, resort to tampering with the odometer readings. As a result, unsuspecting buyers may end up purchasing a supposedly new car with significantly higher mileage than indicated. It is imperative for car buyers to keep in mind the impact of high prices and low inventory on the availability of dealer test cars; be vigilant about the growing trend of meter rollbacks in new cars. Conventional PDI Checklists-based evaluation again fails to detect such anomalies in new cars!

Understanding these challenges can be overwhelming, but fear not. We don’t expect car buyers to know everything and to bridge this knowledge gap and de-risk car buyers from ending up buying a defective new car, we created Zekardo; the first and one of its kind Independent, Unbiased and Scientific platform that enable car buyers to buy a defect free car.

We are independent as we don’t have any associations with dealers, car part manufacturers or workshops. We are Unbiased as we don’t make money via commissions income from dealers, car part manufacturers or workshops. And we are Scientific because we go beyond manual & biased PDI Checklists for evaluating the integrity and safety of a new car before purchase. We built our proprietary vehicle car inspection software that focusses on 3 critical aspects in a vehicle car inspection process i.e., Car inspection, Diagnostics and Forensics where 98% of the focus is to unearth issues that are not visible to the naked eye. Our software “Claruz” uses Machine Learning to detect anomalies across 3700+ scenarios across Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic and Epidermal aspects such as Body, Tyres, Paint etc using data to crunch our issues with 97% accuracy. Trust me, anomaly detection in new cars is like finding a needle in a haystack!

Over the last 18 months, we have enabled thousands of car buyers to buy a defect free new car through our “New Car Pre-Delivery Inspection” Solution.

In a market where the assumption of perfection often masks the reality of manufacturing defects, car buyers must equip themselves with the right knowledge and tools to make informed decisions. The journey to owning a new car is not without its challenges, but with the right approach, you can navigate this complex landscape with confidence. By moving beyond PDI Checklists and leveraging Unbiased, Independent and Scientific tech to unmask the reality of defective new cars and embark on a safer and more reliable ownership journey. Remember, in a world where 16% of new cars sold in India are officially recalled by manufacturers, an independent car inspection is not just a luxury – it's a necessity.

We at Zekardo are committed to fill this crucial gap in the industry, providing unbiased and specialized expertise to evaluate new cars thoroughly. So if you are planning or have booked a new car, book your New Car Pre Delivery Car inspection (PDI) appointment today to safeguard your investment, demand transparency, and contribute to the evolution of the automobile market in India.



